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Antivirus producers vie for speed

February 2004

BitDefender comes out first

The AV-Test Center team waited for a significant event (in terms of speed and rate of infection), and chose the Sober.C worm (which surfaced in December 2003) as a benchmark case.

The study was the first ever to measure the reaction time of the 20 best antivirus producers in the event of an outbreak of large proportions.

Virus spreading speeds have increased, leaving antivirus producers less and less time to react. Four million mailboxes were compromised in the first twelve hours after the virus was released.

Team BitDefender came out first by providing BitDefender users with an antidote 1 hour and 25 minutes earlier than any other producer, and more than 12 hours before their American counterparts.

AV-Test Center will continue the research, by taking such measurements in every epidemic, to establish a tentative ranking of AV producer reaction times by the end of the year.

�We fight a continuous fight against virii and every second counts. Our virus analysis team is working around the clock, and so is the tech support team. It is the only way we can make sure our users are well protected against any threats� declared Daniel Ionescu � BitDefender divisional director.

BitDefender products have been awarded the prestigious VB 100 certification by the Virus Bulletin magazine again in February 2004.
