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BitDefender Offers Free Removal Tool for Aggressive Trojan Threat

April 2011

Malware seeks to compromise security software on infected computer


 BitDefender®, an award-winning provider of innovative internet security solutions, today announced the availability of a free removal tool against an aggressive family of e-Banking Trojans capable of disabling some security software.


The new e-threat, dubbed Trojan.Agent.VB.HS comes bundled with an IM worm and, once installed, hijacks e-banking websites to phishing web servers in addition to running pay-per-click advertising abuse campaigns through invisible browser windows.


“What is particularly significant about this family of malware is that it tries to subvert the antimalware solution the user may have installed in order to be able to carry on the abuse unhindered,” said Cataƒlin CosŸoi, Head of the BitDefender Online Threats Lab at BitDefender. “Users who don’t have a security solution installed at all will be unable to access any of the security vendors’ websites to access  antivirus software or a removal tool. So, updating your security software and downloading a removal tool as soon as possible are the best ways to stay safe from this threat.” he continued.


“In a rapidly-evolving environment of cybercrime, the antimalware product may be the last line of user defense. Cyber-crooks know that and they are going through great lengths to ensure that the user stays unprotected”, Cataƒlin CosŸoi concluded.


The removal tool can be freely downloaded from the Removal Tools Repository on Malware City, BitDefender’s security blog. BitDefender users are already protected by automatic update. 
