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BitDefender protection for over 1200 educational establishments affected by viruses

June 2003

BitDefender offers a 80% discount for complete antivirus protection

Quality education is expensive; data security doesn�t have to be

BitDefender, an award-winning provider of security software and services, wishes to show its commitment to education by launching a new educational campaign, offering full-featured, complete antivirus protection with a huge 80% discount from the retail solution price. The campaign �ACADEMICA� is open for partners � mass-media, non-profit organizations or just interested companies � who share BitDefender�s concern for the future IT environment.

BitDefender has already contacted over 1200 educational institutions that were affected by the latest viruses, offering to cover all their network protection needs with all-in-one antivirus packages, containing all necessary solutions for network antivirus security. Each package includes up to four of any BitDefender solutions � at the school�s choice � aiming to protect every point of entry in a network.

�From our efforts of back-tracking virus authors, we have found that most of the virus outbreaks and the attacks on the Internet are launched from networks belonging to educational establishments, such as schools and universities, as there is a large number of users sharing resources in this environment. Moreover, many virus authors or hackers have confessed they broke into such networks as it is easier to get in here than breaking into corporate networks, which have several layers of protection; and, most importantly, academic networks have broadband connections allowing a huge amount of data traffic that is harder to filter. Even experienced users have encountered at least once a year an infection with a computer virus�, stated Bogdan Irina, Marketing and Sales Manager at BitDefender. �"We still need data protection, even if we run on a very low budget. As we cannot afford expensive solutions, please let us know if we can benefit from a special, educational price of your solutions" - this message came from the Winchester High School, but there are so many more messages alike, requesting quality, yet inexpensive protection for schools� networks. We believe that everybody should consider this as a critical matter�, concluded Bogdan.

The campaign�s partners are offered the benefit to act as security content provider, a kind of content that is of great interest for everybody living in a world where the problem is not �how useful it is to install a solution for your data�, but �how fast can we implement the solution�. Moreover, all companies joining the program will be provided with the opportunity to show their consideration for the engineers and IT specialists of tomorrow.

Interested schools, companies or organizations can find details about the ACADEMICA program on the BitDefender website
