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BitDefender will show new antivirus technologies at CeBit

March 2003

BitDefender, an award-winning provider of security software and services, today announces the demonstration in premiere of its antivirus technologies, at the CeBIT Fair, in Hanover - Germany, between 12 and 19 of March.

"2 years ago, a malware was spreading in weeks and all security teams had enough time to react and stop the infection. As the new malware affects thousands of people every day, without any possibility for the security teams to react in real time, BitDefender� MIDAS could represent a new dawn for the antivirus technology", said Daniel Ionescu, Data Security Division Manager at SOFTWIN.

"Hyper-virulent active worms, capable of infecting all vulnerable hosts in approximately 15 minutes to an hour, cannot be stopped using conventional means. BitDefender� MIDAS (Malware Intrusion Detection Advanced System) analyzes in real time the behavior of a new malware, stops it and destroys it, automatically creating an antidote. Intelligent self-education based on neuronal networks, "fine-tuned configuration", able to alert the user only after a few signs of infection show-up, or immediately after the first sign, or the so-called "stealth" system, making sure that BitDefender� stays invisible to viruses - these will be just a few features demonstrated at CeBIT by BitDefender�", concluded Daniel.

BitDefender� solution for data protection was recently awarded for its innovation by the European Commission and Academies with the European IST Prize.

"The men in black... and red" are waiting for you in booth F8, Hall 6 - the Software hall of the CeBIT exhibition.
