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Malfeasant trio clogs up mailservers everywhere

January 2004

Malfeasant trio clogs up mailservers everywhere

Monday evening has brought more than its fair share of viruses. We've seen three new entries in our foes list, two of which have gone a long way towards making Tuesday a bad day. The malfeasant trio is made up of Mimail.Q, Novarg.A and, well... Dumaru.Y.

While the most interesting new threat, from a technical standpoint, is Mimail.Q, our Real Time Virus Reports net is ringing with but one name: Win32.Novarg.A@mm, also known as W32.Novarg.A@mm, Win32.Mydoom.A and WORM_MIMAIL.R. It is a mass mailer, as its' name suggests, which can be described, in a few words, as "simple, effective and SCO-unfriendly".

It seems Novarg will start DDoS-ing in three days time. This is not the only indication that the virus was written by someone trying to make a point, since the virus will also try to avoid annoying certain people by infesting their domains.

The "do not touch" list holds such as the good folks at Google (best known for Google, the search engine) the university of California at Berkeley, best known for Berkeley Software Design and outstanding contributions to the atom bomb, and various other domains.

Also, the virus tries to masquerade as an error thrown up by a mail server, in the hopes that non-technical users will believe it to be legitimate mail that got "lost in the works" and click the attachment. It seems, by the sheer amount of virus that gets sent through the networks at this point, that many have.

We'll be back with in-depth information and comments on the other two baddies soon, especially about Mimail.Q, a virus which hasn't yet reached its full potential.
