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Monthly virus top ten from BitDefender

March 2004

This month has been far from uneventful

This month has been, sadly, far from uneventful, with variant after variant of Netsky and Bagle pouring through mail servers everywhere.

The newer versions of Bagle seem to lack some of the bite of the first few, but Netsky P seems to be going strong, with Q variant expected to make a big(-ish) splash over the next few days.

Surprisingly enough, the Blaster virus seems to be fading away, and has dropped sharply to the eleventh spot in our top. Its Nemesis, Welchia.B, seems on the rise, though.

An interesting, if unfortunate development is the rise in preeminence of a host of backdoors, trojans and illegal adware programs. While no version alone accounts for a lot of infections, the various iterations of the Agobot.3 theme have chalked up enough infected items to first place in our monthly top ten.

Virus name Infected systemsInfected files
Backdoor.Agobot.3.Gen 25.02%21.56%
Win32.Worm.Welchia.B 24.13%28.65%
Win32.Netsky.P@mm 19.93%45.79%
Win32.NetSky.D@mm 19.19%2.82%
Win32.Netsky.B@mm 4.26%0.26%
Win32.Netsky.C@mm 2.98%0.11%
Win32.NetSky.Q@mm 2.79%0.75%
Win32.Bagle.U@mm 0.89%0.01%
Win32.Mydoom.F@mm 0.38%0.01%
Win32.Bagle.V@mm 0.38%0.01%
