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New harsh attack against Microsoft security-related initiatives

March 2004

BitDefender was once again the first to update its antivirus software against a new speculation

BitDefender developers were once again the first to update their antivirus software against a new speculation of the Microsoft security-related warnings.

The virus named Sober.D (alternatively called Roca) seems to have its roots in Germany, as it was firstly discovered in this area and it has an alternative version spreading in German language.

�We have initially spotted it thanks to our bureau based in Tettnang, Germany, as the virus seems to be of German origins�, said Mihai Neagu, Virus Researcher at BitDefender Labs. �Several warnings from Microsoft against security breaches, correlated with Windows partially becoming �open-source� and with the recent �virus war�, all these were inevitably leading to a new-comer in this malware battle. Once more, using a big name proves to be a very efficient viral tactics�, Mihai concluded.

Win32. Sober.D @mm is spreading through e-mail, masquerading as a Microsoft update against MyDoom in both English and German versions.

BitDefender users are protected against this threat starting with this very morning. For other users, BitDefender have � as always � released a free removal tool, available here.

Commercial versions of BitDefender start from USD 29.99 and are available for 30-days free evaluation.
