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New Novarg variant: threat incoming

January 2004

Novarg.B threatens SCO and Microsoft

BitDefender antivirus experts detected a new version of the very much discussed Novarg computer virus (also called Mydoom). The Novarg.B is slightly different from the first virus variant, with only a few technical variations.

�Still, we can expect a new wave of infections, as the author already has a base-target�, says Mihai Neagu, Virus Researcher at BitDefender. �It seems, by the sheer amount of the first version that got sent through the networks at this point, that many users will inadvertently cause a new major outbreak�, Mihai concluded.

Besides, it seems that the virus author just enlarged its target base, as the new version launches DoS attacks both to SCO and Microsoft websites.

BitDefender specialists have already provided, as usual, a cleaning tool against the new version. Antivirus experts are still analyzing this virus and will soon provide more details about its spreading, as necessary.

More technical information about this issue is available here.
