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New virus masquerades as message from BitDefender

January 2005

New virus masquerades as message from BitDefender

A new virus is in the wild. Called Sticy.A, the IRC backdoor is being spread via an e-mail message with a spoofed "from" field ([email protected]) and prompts users to download harmful executables from the website.

A virus definitions update has been issued. The hosting company of the website in question has been contacted and asked to remove the offending site.

"We expect this to be the work of a bored Romanian student or somesuch. The whole setup is amateurish in the extreme. Nevertheless, we have been receiving about 20 bounced e-mails per minute, so I suspect the virus is spreading at a steady pace." declared BitDefender CTO Bogdan Dumitru.

Users are strongly advised to NOT follow the link or download the executables in question under any circumstances whatsoever, to update their antivirus with the latest virus definitions and to initiate a full scan of their computers at their earliest convenience.

The BitDefender support team does NOT, under any circumstances, send security warnings of any kind.

A full technical description of the virus can be found here
Another update to the story is forthcoming.
