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Proof-of-concept virus hits the last virus-resistant Microsoft OS

July 2004

The first malicious code to infect the operating system used by over 17 million of Pocket PCs, smartphones, and other Internet appliances users was reported

BitDefender Antivirus Labs today reported the occurrence of the first malicious code to infect the operating system used by over 17 million of Pocket PCs, smartphones, and other Internet appliances users (reference eTForecasts).

Called WinCE4.Dust, "it infects pocket pc's PE files (ARM) in root (My Device) directory", as the virus author himself noted in a message addressed, probably, to most antivirus laboratories. The virus author, by his nickname Ratter, is part of the famous 29A VX group and created this virus "not meant to spread", just as "a proof of concept code".

"The same as the creators of Cabir (the virus for Symbian OS), the initiator of the Dust malware has not designed it to propagate on a massive scale, but rather to demonstrate that devices running Microsoft Windows CE can be infected by malicious code. The code was first sent to antivirus experts instead of being released in the wild" stated Viorel Canja, Head of BitDefender Labs.

In order to run, the virus needs a mobile compatible device running Microsoft Windows CE operating system. The virus displays a message box, asking for user's permission to spread to other files.

A detailed description will be soon posted here

BitDefender was amongst the first antivirus producers to have a free antivirus application running on Windows CE. Commercial versions of BitDefender start from USD 29.99 and are available for 30-days free evaluation from or from local partners.
