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There is a menace looming on the Internet

January 2004

...test of lameness, say BitDefender specialists

There is a menace looming on the Internet event horizon. And no, it's not the recent Bbgle worm that has been "clogging the drains" of spam filters everywhere. It's people who still, in this day and age, open .exe mail attachments with abandon, without scanning them first - or letting BitDefender scan them.

As for the worm, it is remarcable in only one respect, says Sorin Dudea, Head of Virus Reasearch at BitDefender: "It has nothing new, does nothing new, and is nothing new. It seems to be a half-hearted attempt at creating a pool (not a network) of infested hosts, to be used later on . Also, it seems to be programmed to stop completely at the end of the month. None of the sites to which the virus announnces its presence after infecting a host is up or has been up. We'll monitor them closely, though."

In short, as the virus author will have it, Bbgle is a "test, yup, just a test" - of how careless people can be with their own data. It will be interesting to see how many victims this minimalistic approach to virus design - no soc-eng, no nasty software tricks, no cloaking, will actually claim. We'll just put it down to human nature again.

Of course, in the meantime BitDefender Labs have been the first to come up with a free tool to take care of this bug. Also, you'd be well advised to keep downloading those updates and reporting any suspicious files, since Bbgle B will probably not be long in coming.
